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St. Vincent DePaul Meal Program on the southeast side of Milwaukee (9th and Madison) provides hot, nutritious meals for adults and children. St. Thomas Aquinas has a history of volunteering to serve at this meal site since 1994. 

Please consider volunteering! It's an excellent volunteer opportunity for families with children (Age 8 - 17). Also, a great opportunity for teens to earn Faith Formation service hours. We serve every third Sunday of every third month starting October, 2023. Details and sign-ups can be found in the bulletin and newsletter. 

Volunteer activities include setup of dining room, serving food, and light clean up of the dining room after the meal. 

MEET: St. Thomas church parking lot at 3PM 
DEPART: SVDP-SE Milwaukee at 6:45 PM
RETURN: St. Thomas church parking lot at 7:30 PM.
Thank you for your service! Any questions or comments, please contact Peter Joy at